Salmon is such an important part of Jamie Davis’ life that she decided to make earrings honoring the iconic fish.
“The Salmon is life series is inspired by my love for salmon, one of our most precious resources along the Skeena and Nass Rivers,” explains the Gitxsan and Nisga’a artist and jewelry designer on her website.
Her new series includes “salmonegg earrings” that she sells through her Terrace-based company Jada Creations.

“Only a few left of each colour already,” she posted recently on Instagram. “These salmoneggs are swimming off the shelves fast!”
Earlier this year Davis won a B.C. Small Business Award in the category of Best Solopreneur, which “recognizes outstanding individuals that have started and grown a solo business. They have demonstrated the unique skillset required to stay focused on their long-term goals, while juggling the day-to-day demands of running a successful company.”

Davis says her designs reflect the other side of her business: honoring the culture and traditional territories of local First Nations.
“We hold the salmon in such high regard as everything is connected to it,” she explains. “Our forests depend on the salmon, the animals depend on the forest and the forest depends on us to keep it safe! We are all connected and all must work together so that we can continue to thrive and survive alongside Mother Earth.”

You can view the Salmon Is Life designs here.