Station 64 of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSR) isn’t messing around.
The volunteer search and rescue team, based out of Prince Rupert, is one of the most northern coastal marine rescue locations and participates in over 800 marine emergencies annually. Their volunteers “stand ready to leave their jobs and their families on a moment’s notice to help people in trouble on the water – no matter how foul the weather or how rough the seas,” as their Facebook page explains.
In the downtime between rescues, the RCMSR Station 64 team have been releasing some extremely fun and well-produced videos, which you can catch on their Youtube channel.
This video shows the crew heading off on a night training, as drone footage captures the rescue boat zipping around a stellar sunset.

This Pacing exercise video is thrilling to watch. As two boats race, one small rescue boat is seen to be approaching the larger, which speeds up and tries to avert the rescue team’s grasp.

“Pacing is [a] technique used to pass equipment of personnel between two vessels that are unable or do not wish to stop…” reads the video description. “When performed at the correct speed and heading, pacing can make the transfer of equipment or crew between two vessels more stable and safe than if stopped and alongside.”

The video alternates between exciting hand-held point-of-view footage on the boats themselves (ocean spray on the lenses gives an extra immersive effect!) and classic stunning drone footage of the two boats racing side-by-side.
We tip our hats to the incredible search and rescue team at Station 64! Not only are they saving lives, they’re also making impressive videos for us at home to truly appreciate the challenging and fascinating work they do.