VIDEO: 12-Year-Old Harvests His First Ever Buck During Hunting Trip Near Smithers

He’s gonna remember that.

There’s a lot of ways to pass a long weekend outdoors in the Skeena region. One 12-year-old recently spent the Thanksgiving break harvesting his first mule deer. 

“I was hemming and hawing about what to do for the long weekend,” reads the description of a video recently posted to YouTube. “Ended up taking buddy’s 12-year-old out to try and get him his first buck.” 

He goes on, “We get to the spot. Sure as snuff… we spot a buck. We both lined up on him. I seen [the kid] was pretty unsteady. Told him to go prone if he can…I started to get nervous and seriously considered starting the trigger squeeze.”

But before that happened, “I heard the signature of the kid’s 7mm_08. The deer took a step back and then took off. but not in a big hurry. We gave it some time and went looking for blood. We were having a tough time picking up a blood trail. The kid found his tracks. I told him to stay put and went off in the direction of the deer.” 

To find out what happens next watch the full video here

Written by The Skeena

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