One Person Has Died In The Brucejack Mine Outbreak North Of Stewart

Number of confirmed COVID cases keeps growing.

One person has passed away following the COVID outbreak which began in February at the Brucejack gold mine north of Stewart. 

“Sadly, one individual who had tested positive in association with this outbreak has died, and Northern Health expresses its condolences to the individual’s family, friends and colleagues,” reads a release this week from the health authority.

Photo from the company’s website.

When the outbreak was first announced there were nearly 500 people working at the Pretium Resources project site, as Skeena Strong reported. At the time, 22 people tested positive for COVID. That has now risen to 51 confirmed cases associated with the outbreak, Northern Health noted. The higher number is due to “ongoing monitoring and testing.”

The health authority says there haven’t been any new cases since late February but it will continue to keep track of the outbreak. “There is a single active case, currently in self-isolation at the main Brucejack Mine camp,” Northern Health reports. 

The mine is located approximately 65 km north of Stewart. 

Written by The Skeena

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